Зеленски: Турција забрани влез на руски бродови во Црно Море

Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky addresses the nation on television after a meeting of the National Security and Defense Council on Sunday Jan 24, 2022 (local time). Everything is under control, there is no reason to panic, he said. Withdrawal of embassy staff by some countries does not portend inevitable escalation, says Ukrainian president. We are aware of everything, we are ready for everything, we believe in the best, and we do everything to this end together with our partners, our diplomats, and most importantly, our military, he said. He said the main topic on the agenda was the situation in eastern Ukraine and authorities are doing their best to de-escalate and find a peaceful settlement of the issue. Embassies of EU countries and many others have kept all their employees in Ukraine. The fact that some countries are taking out some of their diplomats does not mean an inevitable escalation at all; these are subtleties of a complex diplomatic game, he said. Ukraine President National Address, Kyiv, Ukraine - 24 Jan 2022,Image: 656589681, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: EyePress News / Shutterstock Editorial / Profimedia

Во објава на Твитер, Зеленски изразил благодарност до турскиот колега Реџеп Таип Ердоган и турскиот народ за одлуката.

„Благодарен сум на мојот пријател, претседателот Ердоган, како и на турскиот народ за нивната силна поддршка. Забраната за преминување на руски воени бродови во Црното Море и значителната воена и хуманитарна помош се исклучително важни денес. Народот на Украина никогаш нема да го заборави тоа“, рече Зеленски.